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Helping you establish and maneuver an effective M&A process

Target Selection
Structure & Value
Due Diligence
Post Transaction Audit

You know what you want and have accomplished success in many ways. We can help structure growth in new ways, building upon your existing foundation. Our experience with alternative deal structures will construct an M&A transaction with your objectives. We will customize the deal with options specific to your needs.

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You and your team know your industry well. We will assist you and distill the available information to the key factors critical to analyzing companies for M&A transactions.  Preliminary due diligence, score cards, business case analysis and legal screening will keep your M&A process efficient, focusing on transaction that will strengthen your competitive advantage.


We spend time through management interviews and other research techniques facts to incorporate your market knowledge insights to assess and expose potential legal, operational, and financial challenges that are at times tightly held by the target. Our industry experience, partnership connections, and transaction expertise provide opportunities to mitigate risks, update your business case, and develop a preliminary integration plan.


Your negotiating strength can be enhanced with tested negotiating preparation and superior data access. The structuring of a negotiation can extract additional value beyond what is typically achieved in a purely information-based negotiation. After years of analysis and research of companies we can help you quickly identify values, your leverage, their motivation and maximize your deal value.


While you can consummate a deal with a handshake and your word, we ensure that agreements are well defined and transparent. Communication amongst stakeholders is essential to successfully closing a deal. We will work with your team to develop definitive agreements, closing checklists, and Day 1 and next step plans.


You and your team’s success and experience running a business makes you aware how challenging it can be even when your path is clear.  We will help identify integration hazards that could threaten your ongoing success. We can help you map process compatibility, create a change management plan, track synergies and create a detailed integration plan.


Your focus in the first year will need to be on operating the new enterprise after the acquisition. We remain engaged to ensure that agreements that define the structure are honored. Development and implementation of a post-transaction audit plan, including a synergies score card, business case assumption comparison, and key performance indicator assessment, will keep your strategy on track.

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As you grow your business, you may have an opportunity to acquire other companies, or invest in your existing organization. We come alongside you to objectively evaluate your strategy, map out competitive landscape, confirm your competitive advantage, and evaluate options to buy or build organizations

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